Engaged Learning


Students develop digital tool to help the fight against malaria

Reiden Magdaleno

Malaria, one of the world's oldest diseases, remains a significant public health problem worldwide. A group of University of Michigan School of Public Health students recently developed a digital tool to make existing data on the disease more accessible.

Rubyan online teaching

Expanding Access to Understanding Health Management and Policy through Online Learning

Michael Rubyan

The expansion of higher education into the online environment has the potential to increase access for students and open doors for innovations in teaching. A seasoned expert in developing online courses in public health, Michael Rubyan shares some of the techniques and tools he has leveraged to make learning public health in the virtual classroom a unique and engaging experience.

A student uses technology and digital connections to review public health data at the University of Michigan School of Public Health

7 Ways the Pandemic Changed Global Public Health for the Future

Chinyere Neale

The romanticism of global public health work, says Chinyere Neale, will not survive the pandemic nor the new forms of collaboration it has demanded of researchers. Knowing that we can do really good work from anywhere in the world—including our current location—is a good thing for public health.

An interview between two people in an urban setting

Career Prospects for Public Health Graduates Remain Strong

Krystle Forbes

Demand for public health professionals remains high, as does hiring for students graduating with public degrees. During the pandemic, some areas of public health have seen disruption in the services they provide. But this has also clarified our deep, ongoing need for those services.